LeGene qPCR Master Mix is a ready-to-use reaction cocktail that contains all components except primers and template for real-time quantitative PCR. The proprietary buffer and stabilizers have been optimized to deliver maximum PCR efficiency, sensitivity and robust fluorescent signal. The proprietary 2X qPCR Master Mix contains DnaUs Hot Start Taq DNA polymerase, dNTPs, Mg2+, enhancer, and stabilizer. DnaUs Hot Start Taq DNA polymerase is an antibody-inactivated hot-start enzyme designed to block polymerase activity at ambient temperature. Once the PCR step reaches denaturation temperature (95oC), Taq DNA polymerase activity is restored and the resulting PCR exhibits higher sensitivity, specificity and yield. The system enables highly sensitive detection from few copies of DNA template, with a broad dynamic range that supports accurate quantification of target sequences. Sufficient reagents are provided for 50 amplification reactions of 50 μl each.